Measure 20-340


During the May 2023 election, Lane County voters will have the opportunity to vote on the five-year public safety levy for a third time. The levy was originally passed by voters in 2013 and renewed in 2017 with over 70% support. Since this is a proposed levy renewal, it would not increase property taxes beyond the current rate.


If passed, the proposed measure renewal would maintain a minimum of 255 local jail beds for a five-year period, providing the Sheriff with improved ability to hold those arrested for violent felony offenses until their cases are resolved.

Quick Facts

  • Since the original levy took effect in 2013, no violent felony or Measure 11 offenders have been released pretrial due to lack of space.
  • The Jail is the largest Mental Health provider in the County.
  • The levy provides 52 percent of Jail operations funding.
  • Levy funding provides 8 of 16 youth detention beds and 8 of 15 youth treatment beds.
  • This proposed renewal of the levy, if passed by voters, would not increase the current tax rat


Prior to the original levy taking effect in 2013, there were 125 local jail beds. Lack of available bed space regularly led to the capacity-based, pre-trial release of people in custody.

255: The minimum number of local jail beds required to be maintained with levy funds.

367: The current number of local jail beds available at the Lane County Jail.

0: The number of violent felony or Measure 11 offenders released pre-trial due to lack of capacity since the first levy took effect in 2013.

52: The percent of Jail operations revenue provided by the levy.


Annual independent audits of the use of levy funds, and a public presentation of audit results, would continue if the levy is renewed.


If passed, this measure would not change the current tax rate. The proposed tax rate is $0.55 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The median Lane County homeowner is estimated to pay an average of $9.80 per month for five years.

If the proposed levy is not passed, the tax revenue will not be collected and services at the Jail and Youth Services will not receive financial support from levy funds. The current levy expires on June 30, 2023.

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